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Self-Expression vs Communism: Art During Communist Controlled Czechoslovakia + Feb 6 Auction

When the Iron Curtain fell across much of Central and Eastern Europe, communism took control over almost a third of the world’s population. During the 40 year reign of the communist state in Europe promotion of the self was banned in favor of the advancement of the masses. Most art at the time championed the glory of communism and the state with a few statues of Lenin and Stalin dotted in the...

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The Great American Propaganda Machine and the American Public + October 3rd Auction Event

By Alexandra Ponti During World War II, supporting the troops was a part of your patriotic duty as an American. People all over the country planted victory gardens to grow their own fruits and vegetables, and everywhere you went, Uncle Sam told you to support the war effort by signing up to join the military or buy war bonds. Many of these recruiting posters still survive, and are the most...

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At The Met: ‘Art of Native America: The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection’

The Metropolitan Museum of Art currently has on exhibit 116 works of art and objects of Native America culture.  It features works from over fifty cultures across North America based off of geographical location:  Woodlands, Plains, Plateau, California and Great Basin, Southwest, Northwest Coast, and Arctic. The exhibit, entitled ‘Art of Native America: The Charles and Valerie Diker...

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Bejeweled and Bedazzled: Exhibit Opening At Albany Institute of History and Art

Bejeweled and Bedazzled is opening this January 26th at the Albany Institute of History and Art.  Mark Lawson Antiques is a proud sponsor of the exhibit. This exhibit, lasting until July 28th of 2019, will feature jewelry from the museum’s collection.  There will be more than a hundred pieces of jewelry from four centuries worth of craftsmanship.  The Institute will use the pieces in the...

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Opening at the Met: ‘The Art of London Firearms’

Flintlock pistol, made by Wogdon & Barton. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is opening a new exhibit featuring exquisitely crafted firearms, highlighting the abilities of British gunmakers.  The exhibit, entitled ‘The Art of London Firearms’, features seventeen separate firearms, each made in London.  Instead of rifles and long guns, the focus will be on pistols dating from the...

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Antique Show at Niskayuna Reformed Church January 19, 2018

Mark of Mark Lawson Antiques will be conducting appraisals Friday, January 19th from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Niskayuna Reformed Church’s Annual Antique Show. Each appraisal will be $5 with all proceeds benefiting the Niskayuna Reformed Church. The event is open to the public so come discuss your antiques, art, and other objects with a professional. You never know what you might have as unique...

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Antiques Appraisal Event at Hearthstone Village September 15, 2017

Mark Lawson of Mark Lawson Antiques will be hosting an Antiques Appraisal event at Hearthstone Village in Latham, NY on Friday September 15th, 2017. Register in advance to claim one of 40 spots to have your family heirloom or mysterious attic find evaluated. This Antiques Roadshow-style event will publicly evaluate and discuss the antiques, art, and other objects of interest provided by the...

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Malta Community Center Spring Antiques Appraisal Show

Mark Lawson of Mark Lawson Antiques will talk about antiques, appraisals, and the ins and outs of downsizing at the Malta Community Center on Saturday May 6, 2017. Learn more about the constantly changing trends in the antiques world, and watch a live appraisal of antiques and other items of interest provided by audience members. This promises to be an exciting event; you never know what...

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